Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hotwheels: T-Bucket (Rad Rod series)

This T-bucket is a classic design of typical American Hotrod was design by Larry Wood. The one that I bought is from the Rad Rod series. I been looking for it for quite awhile and when I saw it on the shelve I grabbed it immediately.

Here is a video of a real Hotwheels T-Bucket made by designer from hotwheels but not sure he is Larry Wood or not didn't catch his name at the beginning of the video. I sure would love to have one of those t-bucket that was shown in the video. :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice write-up. I like the video you found, too. Larry Wood is a friend -- or at least a "nodding acquaintance" -- of mine. I would see him frequently when I lived in California, but not so much since I moved away.

I don't know either of the men in the video, but the Hot Wheels designer says he worked there (past tense) for about eight years. Larry has been there (and still is) for almost 40 years and counting!

See "the real Larry Wood" at
(fourth from top)

There's other interesting art and information at